Assessment Department


The Assessment Department carries out re-assessment under Section 21(2) of Chapter-8 of Schedule-A of The GPMC Act, 1949 regarding assessment of property tax of all the properties included in the Bhavnagar Municipal Corporation area. 

  • Assessment performance G.I.S. Based digital survey is done through application. This assessment is done by allocating a Specific Polygon to each property and giving the Building Id to the Polygon and then tagging the relevant Polygon and assessing the property.
  • This operation is carried out through digital survey applications using electronic devices such as laser distance meters and smartphones.      
  • Complete operations from this department are done paperless through digital survey application.
  • A digital survey form is generated through the web application as the assessment process is completed.


Movina N. Pathan
Tech. Assi.(Civil)
Ashaben D.Parmar
Tech. Assi.(Civil)
Meetbhai N. Rathod
Tech. Assi.(Civil)
Dhavalkumar H. Gadhvi
Tech. Assi.(Civil)
Surbhiben N. Solanki
Tech. Assi.(Civil)
Harshbhai N. Shah
Tech. Assi.(Civil)
